Monday, May 14, 2012

I'm Officially 21

Today is my birthday! My husband and I actually celebrated it on Saturday, but now it's official... I'm 21. Everyone says I should go out drinking and clubbing now, but I don't really want to. I don't really think I'd fit in much at a club since I'm more reserved and keep to myself, and as far as drinking goes, I don't really like the taste of most alcohol. I only ever drank champagne or wine coolers on special occasions. I don't like drinking anything else. In my opinion, doing all of that doesn't really sound like much fun to me at all. I'm happier with the idea of going out shopping, eating out at a nice restaurant, going somewhere where I can run around or do something I've never done before, and simply spending time with my entire family. ^_^ I would even prefer playing video games inside all day over going to a club. :P

I must sound a bit strange for someone in their 20s... ^^; Even most of my friends had been going to clubs and partying ever since they had turned 18. Then again, most of my friends have always been the outgoing type, so maybe that's why they enjoy it so much. Most people say that the best part of going out to a club is dancing and socializing, and I'm not to great at either. xD In fact, I think I'm downright awkward whenever I talk to people or dance. v_v; Maybe I should work on those skills a bit more. :P While I don't want to go clubbing, being able to talk with others comfortably and being able to dance can be pretty useful...

Anyways, I plan on enjoying today in my own way. ^.^ It's not likely that I'll be able to go out today, but there's still a lot of things I can do at home. :3 Off I go~! I hope everyone has a beautiful day!

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