Monday, April 16, 2012

It's Like Watching Grass Grow...

...Except instead of grass, it's my hair. I have a few more inches to go before I'm at my desired length, but it feels like it's taking forever.... I keep measuring it often to see if it made any progress, but I know I shouldn't do that because it'll make the process seem even longer. :P I can't help it though, since I'm just too excited and eager to style my hair in so many different ways! That's most likely why I've been so obsessed with cute hair accessories lately. ^^;

I've never really had long hair, except for when I was very little. Apparently back then, my hair was all the way down to my tiny tush. xD Eventually though, my mom had it cut quite short because it was such a pain for her to style my hair at that length on a daily basis, and it didn't help that I had a lot of hair that was fairly thick. Ever since then, I've kept my hair short to medium, never touching my shoulders. I have to admit, shorter hair is much easier to maintain and wash, but I just got bored because there wasn't much I can do with it. I pretty much always just wore it down. I want to do more with it, especially when I see these lovely girls on youtube with long, beautiful hair making cute hair tutorials. It just makes me want to try out all the different looks! x3

Right now, my hair is about an inch or two past my collar bone, and lately the best thing for me to do with it is tying it up into two little pigtails. It makes me feel like I look a lot younger than I am, but for now it looks better than just leaving my hair down. It tends to flip outward at the ends, especially in the back, but I am slowly getting past that. It was really bad when my hair was like, right at the curve of my neck and resting just slightly above my shoulders... -_- Talk about annoying... Not even my straightener could make it lay flat!

Anyways, I'm doing my very best to help my hair grow healthy. I changed my diet (though, that was mainly so I can lose weight, so I guess that's actually killing two birds with one stone), I've been taking vitamins, and I really, really try to cut down on using my hair dryer and straightener so much, and I try not to dye it as often, too. It's actually been pretty easy doing all of those things, especially since I mainly stay at home most of the time. I have no urgent need to style my hair every single day. The only thing that I can't really keep up on is scheduling a hair appointment to remove dry/split ends every 8 weeks... Thankfully I've never really had any split ends or breakage before, even when I used to abuse my hair like crazy. The worst I suffer from is dryness, which I do try to fix with deep conditioning masks and leave in conditioners, as well as drinking plenty of water. It really is surprising... o_o I used to do so many hair don'ts... It makes me shudder thinking about how badly I've treated it before, and I can only thank my lucky stars that my hair was never beyond repair. I hope to keep it that way by taking care of it as much as possible now. ^.^

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