Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Animal Crossing New Leaf QR Codes

Most of my time lately has actually been sucked away by Animal Crossing New Leaf! xD I've been a fan of Animal Crossing since the release of the Gamecube version, but I must say, New Leaf is by far the best installment currently (though, I can think of a few things they could fix *cough*camera control and layering*cough*). Anywho.... What I love most about the game is all of the designing options  that have opened up (though, I wish it were possible to make different styles of socks, pants, skirts, and so on. Hint, hint, Nintendo :3), and my cute little character spends a lot of time designing away at the Able Sisters, and I thought it might be nice to share a few of my best designs that I have made thus far! ^_^ So if you find anything you like, feel free to snag them up, and who knows, I may post some more in the future! Enjoy!


My character using the standee!


  1. Hi! I love your designs and as soon as i got my dream number i will visit you! Please, can you make a QR code for a pastel goth outfit? Thank you and sorry for my english ^^

    1. Ah!!! ^_^ Thank you so much! I'm so glad you like them. :3 And that sounds like fun, I'll be glad to make a pastel goth outfit. I'll get started right away~! Lols!

    2. And it's finished! :) Here's the link to get the QR code:

      Hope you like it. :3
