Sunday, May 6, 2012

A Week Until Mother's Day...

I'm going crazy trying to think about what to do for my mom on Mother's Day! @_@ While I was spending time with her these past couple of days, I had asked her if there was anything she could possibly want, and she told me that even she had no idea what she would like. ^^; I really want to do something nice for her, though. She deserves it. ^_^

My mom... She's so obsessive compulsive when it comes to cleaning and organizing. Sometimes it's down right maddening and she makes me feel exhausted with her constant zooming around the house. It doesn't even have to be her home in order for her to start taking over. I can't tell you how many times she just started cleaning my home, even after I already did the household chores... -_-; She means well though, and she's outstanding at what she does, but sometimes I feel she just needs to relax... Which is why I had been thinking about possibly doing a spa day with her. Not only would we be able to spend time with each other, but she'd be able to wind down and not have to worry about things for a day. I was thinking it may be a good change of pace for her.

Afterward, I was thinking it may be a good idea to take her to a restaurant... I mean, on top of the cleaning, she also cooks everyday. Plus, her boyfriend and my hubby would be able to be included, since I doubt either of them would be too thrilled over joining us for facials and whatnot. xD I know my mom would be thrilled to spend time with everyone together. ^_^ She always said how that always made her the happiest.

Or maybe we should just spend time shopping...? Despite being really busy at home, my mom still loves to be glam and stylish. She loves new clothes, makeup, and accessories, so maybe spending a day at the outlet stores would be great, too.... If she finds something she likes, I just might be able to buy it for her. Or maybe first we could go to the mall, and then once we're there, surprise her with a gift card to her favorite store.

There really are a lot of ways to go about the day. I need to make a decision fast, especially since it's coming up so fast.... All I know is that I want it to be perfect and I want her to enjoy herself. She does so much, and even though I'm all grown up and have moved out already, she still helps me out with whatever she can. I'm truly lucky to have a mom like her, and I want to show her just how grateful I am for her! ^.^

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