Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Random Survey

So I found this this survey titled "80 Things You Might Not Know About Me" and I remember filling those out all the time and posting them on myspace back in my high school days. I remember that I had a lot of fun doing them, and so I wanted to fill it out and post it here! ^_^ Haha! Hope you enjoy reading my answers. :3

Whats your middle name?

Dominique (and no, it's not Dominic. You pronounce it like you would the word "unique").

How big is your bed?

Queen sized. :D

What are you listening to right now?

Eyes Open - Taylor Swift

What are the last 4 digits in your cellphone number?

I don't own a cell phone. I don't really like them. :/

What was the last thing you ate?

Hawaiian style pizza~!

Last person you hugged?

My husband. (Missing him now...)

How is the weather right now?

Gray and cloudy. TT_TT
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

My mother. :D

What is the first thing u notice in the opposite sex?

Hair and eyes. ^.^

Favorite type of Food?

Anything sweet. x3 It's my weakness!

Do you want children?

Honestly, no. I'm really enjoying my life with just my husband right now. Besides, we don't have the means to support a child just yet.

Do you drink?

On special occasions, yes. It's usually only wine or champagne. :3

Ever get so drunk you don't remember the entire night?

No! O_O That's horrible!

Hair color?

Naturally, it's a really dark brown and looks almost black, but I dye it burgundy.

Eye color?

Brown. I've always wished they were a more exotic color, though. :P

Do you wear contacts/glasses?

Non-prescription glasses for fashion uses, yes... Do those count? ^^;

Favorite holiday?

Halloween! ^_^

Favorite Season?

Spring. ^.^ I think it's the most beautiful time of the year. It's just so vibrant and full of life, and the flowers are all in bloom. :3

Have you ever cried over a girl/boy?

Only one boy: my husband.

Last Movie you Watched?

Homeward Bound 2: Lost in San Francisco x3

What books are you reading?

The Hunger Games series. :D


The only ones I have are on my ears.

Favorite Movie?

Alice in Wonderland. :3 The Disney cartoon version!

Favorite college football Team?

I don't know. I don't really pay much attention to sports.

What were you doing before filling this out?

Laying in bed awake.

Any pets?

8 of them. I had 9, but sadly one of our little guinea pigs had passed away.... He was the very first one we got, too...

Dogs or cats?

2 cats, Blair and Sundae. :) We'll also be getting 2 dogs soon enough.

Favorite Flower?

I have more than one. I love roses, lily of the valley, rieger begonias, bleeding hearts, and orchids. ^_^

Have you ever loved someone?

Romantically speaking?  Yes. I landed up marrying him, too!

Who would you like to see right now?

My mother, brother, and husband.

Have you ever fired a gun?

No, and I don't plan to...

Do you like to travel by plane?

Yes and no. I love it when the plane first takes off and seeing everything below me, but I don't quite like sitting still for such a long time. x_x

Right-handed or Left-handed?


If you could go to any place right now where would you go?

Nowhere at the moment.

Are you missing someone?

Big time. :(

Do you have a tattoo?

No. There's nothing wrong with tattoos, but I don't personally want them. I like my skin without them. ^.^

Do you still watch cartoons on Saturday mornings?

Haha! Yeah! xD

Are you hiding something from someone?

No. There's nothing to hide. Plus, I can't keep a secret to save my life! xD Everyone I know says I'm much too honest.

Are you 18?

No, I'm 20 going on 21.

What is the wallpaper on your cell phone?

Again, no cell phone. :P

Did you get enough sleep last night?

Not really... There was too much going through my mind.

First thing you thought about this morning?

My husband.

What do you have at hand on your bedside?

A book and bears that my husband and I made at Build-A-Bear. :3

Grilled or fried?


What makes you unique?

Physically: I have this mole (it's flat) that's right in between my nostrils. It's been there since I was little. Not many people take notice of it right away, but some do. I used to hate it a lot, but now, I can't really imagine myself without it. xD

Personality-wise: I apologize to inanimate objects when I bump into them or drop them.... o.o Also, I've been told by a lot of people that the way I think is a mix between the way a guy and a girl thinks. ^^;

Are you afraid of the dark?

Yeah. >.> I don't like being in the dark alone, but I tough it out.

Favorite hangout?

Home of course!

3 things you can't live without?

* My laptop
* Video games
* Books/Manga

Favorite Song?

Too many to list!

What are you afraid of?

Losing the people I love the most.

Are you a giver or a taker?

A mix of both....?

What are your nicknames?

Raerae and Desi, mainly. I also had Bleach, Rae-Kun, Princess Desirae (given by my friends ^^;), Hijiri, and Gigglebutt. xD

What is your dad's middle name?

Please don't make me write it. I can't even spell it.... TT_TT

What is your mother's middle name?


Stuck on a deserted island and can only take one thing?

My husband! He counts! Lols!

Favorite T.V. commercial?

I don't even know. xD

Who's your cell phone provider?

We've been over this~

First thing you'll save in a fire?

Assuming that my husband and pets are safe, then it'll have to be our wedding album.

Whats your favorite color?

Pink! :D

What are the things you always take with you?

My purse, some lip gloss, and a bit of money.

What did you want to be when you were a kid?

A baker. ^_^ I'm still working toward that goal.

WHAT do you usually do when the clock turns 11:11?

Wish that my husband and I will always be in love with one another and that we can grow old together.

The color of your bed sheet?

Dark purple and gold.

What do you think about when you go to bed?

Too many random thoughts to list!

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