Friday, April 13, 2012

It's a Full House!

Wow, lately my husband and I have been getting people visiting us left and right. @_@ Currently, we have 5 people staying at our place, all of them my hubby's friends. Some of them will be here for a week! I'm not complaining though! It's actually really fun. ^_^ It's sweet, too, since they all want to spend more time with him before we leave for Japan. It shows that they care and it really is wonderful that he has such good friends. Everyday they have been here so far has been filled with laughter and smiles, so what more can I ask for?

It's really amazing. Honestly, I've never really had friends like that. In a way, I have to admit that I'm slightly envious of my husband. Seeing the way he is able to talk and joke around with his friends is something I wasn't really able to do with the friends I had. Though, thinking back on it, that must have been my own fault. I never was the social butterfly, and I've always held myself back out of fear of not being liked. You can't have close friends if you don't allow yourself to get close to anyone. All that does is pose as a problem.

Thankfully though, I'm not so unfortunate as to be completely alone. After all, I am married to a man who I can do anything with and confide in no matter what. In many ways, he is like a best friend. I'm really happy that I was lucky enough to have met him. ^_^ I can't imagine what would happen if he was never a part of my life, and I don't ever want to~! <3

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