Saturday, April 14, 2012


I decided to wear my new dress from Hell Bunny out today, and it caught so many people's attention! xD I was really happy over the compliments I received on it, especially because I love my new dress a bunch, but I also was a little embarrassed over some of the stares I got. ^/////^ I wonder if some of them thought I looked strange, but it doesn't bother me much if that really was what they were thinking. I feel absolutely amazing wearing this dress! Lols! It almost makes me feel like skipping through a field of flowers. It may sound weird saying that, but wearing it just makes me feel so feminine and youthful wearing it! Does that make sense...? :/

Oh! Also, while I was out, I came across these really cute blue bows at Hot Topic and I had to get them! As soon as my hubby and I left the store, I ran to the restrooms to go put them on~!

Haha, you can see the guinea pig cage behind me. xD

I love the little anchor charm on the bows! x3 They're adorned with rhinestones!!!! (I'm a freak for rhinestones)

I kind of like the way they look with my dress, even though they're a much darker blue than the stripes on it. :3 

I really can't wait until my hair grows longer... *sigh* I've been really wanting to buy more hair accessories and I want to be able to style my hair in more ways, like in long waves with ribbons! I still have a few more inches to go until it'll be at the length I want it, and it feels like it's taking forever for it to get there. -_-;  All I can do though is be patient. :P

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