Friday, July 6, 2012

Another Reason For Me To Buy a 3DS

Rune Factory 4! I'm interested in seeing how this one turns out, and I hope to learn more about it soon! It'll be coming out this month on the 19th in Japan, and will be released in the US December of this year!

Not too much has been revealed about the game other than you can play as either a boy or a girl, who falls out of the sky. Somehow, the main character develops amnesia (yes... more amnesia...), and eventually, the character you play as has to agree to become the prince/princess of the town in order to continue living there. That's all I could dig up from my research on the game's story.

It seems some new features have been added, such as being able to have up to 3 party members in battle when you explore dungeons, and being able to have a sort of boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with someone before getting married to them. Also, some of your marriage candidates include monsters, more specifically, boss monsters! Apparently, from what I've read, you need to beat them in their monster form, and once you've defeated them, they take on a more human form, and then you'll be able to court them!

I'm really looking forward to trying this one out! It's got my interest! ^.^

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