Tuesday, May 1, 2012

It's Getting Easier....

Being alone, that is. It's been almost a week since my husband left for Florida, and I've been getting used to being here with no one else around. In a way, I kind of enjoy doing everything at my own pace and only worrying about my own mess to clean up and feeding myself. It's like a little vacation for me! xD Not to say that I don't miss him anymore, because I do, but being able to have time for the things I want to do is great! I really love being able to go out without having to worry about getting back early to start cooking dinner and to be able to greet my husband home from work.

I guess choosing to stay at home turned out to be good for me, in a way. I feel like I've gained some independence. I had never been left alone before, at least not for too long. I've always had someone around that I could depend on if I ever needed something or if I was scared... I found out that that was part of the reason why I was worried about my husband going to Florida without me. I realize now that I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself and don't need to rely on others so much. I needed to find that out, otherwise, I would probably be depending on others my entire life. What kind of life would that be?

Haha, well, look at me, 20 going on 21 and I'm still maturing! I feel like there's still a long way to go for me. I still feel like I have so much to learn about becoming an independent adult and that I'm still like a kid. Well, I'll just take things one step at a time. I guess people weren't kidding when they getting older is rough. o.o

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