Wednesday, April 11, 2012

More About Myself...

So I just now thought about it.... I probably should give a little more background about who I am and what I'm like. If you hadn't read my "About Me" section already, my name is Desirae. I'll be turning 21 on May 14th (I'm a taurus!) and I'm married to a wonderful man who is in the army. We've been married for almost a whole year now, but have been dating for 2 years prior to our marriage. :D He's been my first everything, and I feel lucky since most people don't find their true love on their first try. Together, we both have 8 kids (2 cats, 3 guinea pigs, 2 rabbits, and a tarantula). We are expecting 3 more additions to the family (we're planning on getting a welsh corgi and golden retriever, as well as a teacup pig). As you may see, we're definitely animal lovers! He and I both share the same geeky interests, too, such as video games, anime, and manga, so we have plenty of activities that we enjoy doing together. Apart from that, I also really love cooking, baking, writing stories, doing tarot readings, drawing (I'll post some later ^_^), fashion, and makeup! I'm also learning how to read runes, too. 

As far as my personality goes, I'm  really shy and quiet and I don't really talk much. Usually, people often think that I'm stuck up because of that (I'm not, really, I promise! TT_TT). That tends to make it really difficult for me to make friends, but I figure that if someone wants to be my friend, they won't make negative assumptions about me right away and would try to find out more about me. I have to admit though, I do enjoy surprising people who originally didn't like me because they thought I was a snob and proving them otherwise. xD The reactions are pretty funny sometimes, especially when I start opening up to them more. That's when they start finding out that I'm a cheerful, hyper, bubbly dork (I'm sure all of you will find that out if you decide to stick around to read more of my posts). It just goes to show you that you can't judge a book by it's cover. Remember that! (I know, such an overused saying, but even though people see/hear it all the time, there aren't many who follow it). 

I think that pretty much is it for now! Thank you for reading~!


P.S. Can you tell what ethnicity I am? I bet you can't~! ;)


I'm part Japanese, Filipina, Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese!

I'm all mixed up! Lols!

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